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Using CodeHS for In-Person Learning

As many teachers transition back from virtual to in-person, here's a guide to using CodeHS for in-person or hybrid classrooms.

Claire Sindlinger avatar
Written by Claire Sindlinger
Updated over 6 months ago

As a completely web-based platform, CodeHS has many tools and resources to help students and teachers work together in and outside the classroom.

Setting Students Up for Success

Teacher Quick-Start Guide

If you're a teacher who's new to CodeHS or an administrator helping your teachers use CodeHS for this first time, check out Preparing for Your First Day to get set up fast!

Guide for Students

This video for students covers the site from the student perspective and gives tips for collaborating and debugging.

Logging In

Students can access CodeHS from anywhere in the world by going to and entering their username and password or clicking Login with Google.

If you have students using CodeHS for the first time, invite them to join your section so that they can enroll in your course.

If students are unable to login to their accounts, you can reset student passwords and troubleshoot login issues from your teacher account.

Preparing for and Leading In-Person Lessons

Leveraging Lesson Plans in Your Classroom

Lesson plans provide many resources that can be useful in the classroom:

  • Discussion Questions: Lesson plans provide discussion questions to start and end class.

  • Handouts: Handouts can be distributed digitally by making a copy, posting, or emailing them to students.

  • Problem Guides: Problem Guides provide an in-depth look at solutions to help you debug student code and provide productive feedback.

Leading an In-Person Lesson

There are many strategies and CodeHS resources you can use to make your in-person lessons interactive and engaging:

  • Get students talking about the Discussion Questions from the Lesson Plan

  • Set office hours or set aside time for Q&A during a lesson so that students can ask questions on specific activities.

  • Get students working in small groups or pair program with our Real-Time Collaboration feature in the Sandbox.

    Animated .gif showing Collaborate feature in action

Best Practices for Your Classroom

View this detailed article for more best practices for teaching with the CodeHS Platform.

Assigning Work and Communication in Your Classrooms

Assigning Work and Setting the Pace

To keep students on track with the curriculum, you have the ability to set Due Dates, and schedule or lock lessons using Access Controls.

Using CodeHS Practice Problems

Assign Practice Problems, which are currently offered in Java, Python, JavaScript, and C++. Practice Problems can be found at Practice problems are graded automatically, supporting self-paced student work.


If students have a question on a specific activity and don't find the chance to ask you in-person, they can ask you a question directly by going to More > Conversation.

clicking on more then conversation and typing in the text field

Student questions will then populate in your Review tab, where you can easily access the student’s code editor to provide feedback.

Students can also email you a direct link to the exercise they are working on, and you will be directed to their code editor. If you want to play around with their code to test your feedback, none of the changes you make will overwrite student work.

Tracking Student Work

Tracking Student Progress

CodeHS has several tools to help you track student progress:

  • The Progress Tracker is a great place to get a birds-eye view of student progress, allowing you to see at a glance which students might need extra help.

  • You can break progress down by module, lesson, assignment, quiz score, and view the time spent on any activity.

  • You can also check which activities your students have worked on most recently to review student progress at a glance.

Grading Assignments and Leaving Productive Feedback

CodeHS has a variety of tools that teachers can use to leave feedback for students.

  • Fast Grade makes it easy to not only review student work, but leave feedback for students on their code or Free Response answers.

  • Customize your Canned Responses to make Fast Grade even more efficient.

  • Customize your Gradebook to focus on specific students, lessons or assignments.

  • Custom Badges are a fun way to recognize student work, mark milestones, and celebrate achievements in ways that are unique to your students and classes.

CodeHS Teacher Resources

Getting Started Videos

Check out our How to Get Started with CodeHS video below, and find the full Getting Started playlist on our YouTube channel!

Free PD Workshops

At CodeHS, we offer free professional development workshops around the country to help prepare teachers to run successful computer science classes with CodeHS! During these workshops, teachers learn programming skills, effective pedagogy, and best practices for teaching computer science in a blended classroom.

Learn more and register for an upcoming workshop today!

CodeHS Certified Educators Program

Join the CodeHS Certified Educator Program, a growing community of passionate computer science teachers! Get exclusive access to beta testing of new product features and curriculum, free CodeHS merchandise, and access to events for networking with fellow Certified Educators from all over the world.

CodeHS Microcredentials for Teachers

CodeHS Microcredentials provide educators recognition for the programming skills and knowledge they’ve gained in and outside the classroom.

Connect with Other Computer Science Teachers

To connect with our teacher community, join our CodeHS Educators Facebook Group. Collaborate on debugging student code, share tips, tricks and best practices for remote work, and connect with fellow CodeHS computer science teachers!

Still have questions? Contact our team at

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