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Adding Courses, Modules, and Assignments to Your Section
Adding Courses, Modules, and Assignments to Your Section

How to assign additional content to an existing section

Jeremy Keeshin avatar
Written by Jeremy Keeshin
Updated over a week ago
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CodeHS gives you access to all the curriculum in the Course Catalog as well as additional user-created content. You can add entire courses, specific modules, single assignments, projects, and playlists to any existing Course.

Once you have created a Course in CodeHS, you can add additional content from the Create App, the Course Catalog, the Project Catalog, the Problem and Playlist Banks, or you can copy content from another one of your courses.

Assigning Content from the Course Catalog

You can add an entire CodeHS Course to an existing Section, or you can pick and choose specific content such as Supplemental Material or other individual units from any course.

From the Assignments App, click Add > CodeHS Course:

Image illustrating adding a CodeHS course to a section

Then filter to search for and select a Course:

Image illustrating searching for a Web Design course on CodeHS

From here, you can choose what modules and lessons you want to assign.

  1. Select individual modules from the Main Content or Supplemental Content

  2. Using the dropdown, choose Select All Main Content and/or Select All Supplemental Content

  3. Click Show All Lessons to select individual lessons

  4. Click Assign Selected when you are ready to assign the selected content:

animated gif showing selection of individual and Select All functions, as well as Show All Lessons / Hide All Lessons

Assign Content from the Project Catalog

From the Assignments App, click Add > CodeHS Project

Image illustrating how to assign a CodeHS project to a course in a section

Then filter to search for and select a project:

image shows the project catalog and an arrow pointing to the 'Search by Keyword' field.

Assign Content from Create App

  • To add an assignment to your Section from the Create App, click on "..." > Assign next to an Assignment or Playlist.

Image illustrating how to assign created assignments to a course in a section

Assign Content from Another Course

Check out Assign Content from Another Course if you have assignments, lessons, or full modules that you would like to copy from another one of your CodeHS courses.

Assign Content from the Playlist Bank or Problem Bank

  1. To access the Playlist Bank and the Problem Bank, click on Toolbox > View Full Toolbox > View All Tools

  2. Click on Problem Bank

    1. Within Problem Bank there is a button to navigate to Playlist Bank

  3. Click the blue Assign button to add the assignment to your Course.

GIF demonstrating how to access problem bank and playlist bank

Supplemental Material

Supplemental Material is great for extra practice or for students that need an extra challenge!

You can assign supplemental material from the current course by scrolling down on the Assignment App and Clicking Search for Content. Then, click Assign to add these to your section:

(Supplemental Material can also be found by using the blue Add button)

image shows Search for Content heading at bottom of assignment page

Assigning Problems from CodeHS Practice

CodeHS Practice has lots of extra practice exercises for students. You can also assign these to your Section as playlists or individual assignments. Click "..." then Assign from the Practice App. Learn more about CodeHS Practice.

animated .gif showing how to access Practice and assign practice problems to a Course.

Assigning Sandbox Problems

You can also assign Sandbox programs that you or your students have created to your course! See Assigning Sandbox Programs to Students for more information.

The Assign Button

Whenever you're logged into your account and see the blue Assign button, this means that you can add this content to your Course or Section. You'll be prompted to configure settings for the material when you assign it. Pro settings will only be available to Sections that have a Pro License.

screenshot showing an example of the Assign module with Assign button in the bottom-right

After assigning, head back to the Assignments app, and you'll see the new modules at the bottom of the assignment list. You can further customize your section by Deleting a Module, Lesson, or Activity and Re-ordering Content.

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