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Grading on CodeHS Free and Pro

Grade student assignments

Meg Fiorentini avatar
Written by Meg Fiorentini
Updated over 5 months ago
Banner Image: This is a Free Feature

Grading with the Free Plan

With the CodeHS Free Plan, you can grade student submissions one at a time from your Code Review Dashboard using Grade Mode or from a specific student's Assignment page.

Grade Mode lets you visit assignments one at a time, give a grade, and be automatically redirected to the next submission.  

You can also grade student work by visiting the student's assignment and clicking on the Grade tab. You can then easily switch to view other students' submissions.

Image showing grade mode and option to view other student submissions

Grading Quizzes with the Free Plan

Quizzes are graded and scored automatically. Click on a quiz from a student's assignment page to view their grade. Each question will display correct and incorrect answer choices for the student.

Selecting Hide Questions will hide the questions from the student's view and only display their score (as the teacher, you will still see the questions):

purple box highlights quiz score in right-hand corner of a quiz assignemnt

Banner Image: This is a Pro Feature

Grading With CodeHS Pro

Grading Settings

The Grading Settings tool allows you to be more selective about which submissions you want to manually review and grade and which submissions you want to be automatically graded.

If "Auto" is selected, once an assignment passes all the Test Cases, it will be awarded full credit. If you select "Teacher," once a student submits their exercises it will show up for you to grade in Grade Mode and Fast Grade.

Annotated screenshot demonstrating the Grading Settings tool, with the Auto and Teacher-graded selectors highlighted

Fast Grade

Fast Grade is a great tool for working through submissions quickly. View student code and solution code side-by-side, send feedback, and assign a grade all in one window. You can access the Fast Grade tool within the Code Review app.

Annotated screenshot of the Fast Grade tool: quickly assign a grade, leave feedback, run student programs , compare code to solution


The Gradebook app makes it easy to grade exactly how you want on CodeHS and easily keep on top of student grades. You can adjust the view of your Gradebook, view and adjust grades by student or Assignment, and configure your grading settings.

Annotated screenshot of the Gradebook app showing the Overview and highlighting how to access it from the lefthand navigation menu

Grading Quizzes with the Pro Plan

Quizzes are graded and scored automatically. Clicking on a quiz from a student's assignment page will show their score. With CodeHS Pro, you can also:

  • Give a Retake to the student

  • Print the quiz to give an offline Assessment

  • Hide Questions from the student's view (You can also adjust the default setting for displaying answers in Quiz Settings)

    Note: A quiz must be released and submitted before the questions can be hidden.

  • See a breakdown of quiz scores for all students in the section

Annotated screenshot showing an example student quiz attempt, with the Give Retake, Print Quiz, Hide Questions, and Quiz Breakdown buttons highlighted

Fast Grade, Grading settings and Gradebook are all available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get CodeHS Pro for your school, contact our team at

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