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Changing Quiz Settings

Configure settings for giving retakes, shuffling questions, and displaying answers for quizzes

Gary Gould avatar
Written by Gary Gould
Updated over a week ago

Set Quiz Settings to Display or Hide Answers

You can adjust the settings on a quiz assignment so that your students will either see the correct answers as they take the test (the default setting for check understanding quizzes) or have the correct answers hidden from students (the default setting for Unit Tests and Final Exams).

To configure quiz question display settings:

  1. Click the configure gear icon from the Assignment app

  2. Click Quiz Settings

  3. Select your options and Save!

Quiz result display settings highlighted

Available Settings

These settings are available for all quiz types.

  • Indicate Correct/Incorrect - After submitting, students will only see an indication of if they answered correctly or incorrectly on each question

  • Show Correct Answer - After submitting, students will also see the correct answers for any missed question

  • Show results after each answered question - Students will see the correct answer to each question as they answer them

Shuffle Quiz Questions

This setting will shuffle the order in which students see quiz questions. As a teacher, quiz questions will not be shuffled when you preview the quiz.

To configure shuffle settings:

  1. Click the configure gear icon from the Assignment app

  2. Click Quiz Settings

  3. Toggle Shuffle Quiz Questions to On and Save!

shuffle quiz questions settings highlighted

Quiz Attempt Settings

This setting will allow students to take a quiz a set number of times. To see how this will appear for students, check out this article.

To configure quiz attempt settings:

  1. Click the configure gear icon from the Assignment app

  2. Click Quiz Settings

  3. Set the number of total attempts (including retakes) and save!

Let's say we want a student to take a quiz once and then have one retake. We would need to set the total quiz attempts to 2.

Here is what the settings would look like:

quiz attempts setting highlighted

Adjust Settings for all Quizzes in a Section or Course

It's possible to change the settings for all of the quizzes in a Section at once. To access the Quiz Settings tool:

  • Go to the left-hand navigation bar > look under Assignments > click Configure

  • Click the Quiz Settings tab in the top navigation

configure is in the left-hand nav quiz settings is in the top nav

With the Quiz Settings tool you can:

  • Change how incorrect / correct answers are displayed

  • Modify how incorrect / correct results are displayed for each type of quiz (Check for Understanding, the Final Quiz, etc)

  • Change the total number of attempts (including retakes) each student will receive

  • Apply the Shuffle Questions setting by module, lesson, or assignment.

quiz settings tool different settings displayed

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