Configure App Overview
The Configure app on CodeHS allows you to adjust settings for the assignments in your course. In the left-hand nav-bar, look under Assignments > then click Configure to access this app.
Using the Configure App Tools
The Configure app features 6 tools that can be accessed by the tabs at the top of the page:
Access Controls + Due Dates
Grading Settings
Block/Text Settings
Is Assigned Settings
Copy/Paste Settings
Quiz Settings
Per Student Settings
There is also a drop-down menu to switch between settings for specific Sections or students for some tools.
Access Controls + Due Dates
This tool allows you to control what assignments students see when they can access them, and when they are due. Adjust settings for an entire module, lesson, or individual assignment.
Assigned: Toggle assigned/unassigned. Unassigned content will not be visible to students, will show as NA in the Gradebook, and won't be factored into student grades.
Due Date: Set due dates for assignments. Any submission after the due date will be marked as late in the Gradebook.
Access Controls: Lock, unlock, or set a scheduled time for content to be available. By default, all content is set to Available. Students can see locked content listed on their assignment page, but won't be able to open or view it.
Start and End Time: Set available times for Scheduled assignments.
Grading Settings
Choose between grading assignments manually and using the CodeHS Autograder to automatically grade student submissions. By default, assignments are set to Auto grading.
Auto gives full credit to submissions that pass the autograder requirements.
Teacher will send submissions to your Code Review app for review without assigning a grade.
Block/Text Settings
Block/Text Settings allows you to enable blocks by course, module, lesson, or assignment. When blocks are enabled, students can toggle between coding with blocks and text coding.
Note: only select languages (such as Karel) are compatible with block coding. Click here to learn more about using Blocks and compatible language.
Is Assigned Settings
Toggle assigned/unassigned. Unassigned content will not be visible to students, will show as N/A in the Gradebook, and won't be factored into student grades.
Copy/Paste Settings
When Copy/Paste Prevention is enabled, students can no longer Copy, Paste, or Cut to and from the Editor. Copy/Paste Prevention can be enabled for an entire section or toggled on/off for select students. Click here to learn more about Copy/Paste Settings.
Quiz Settings
Quiz Result Display Configuration
Change settings on what students see when taking quizzes. Settings include: indicating the correct answers as they take the test, displaying the correct answers at the end of a test, or not displaying answers. More info on setting for Quiz Results.
Set Attempts
This setting allows students to take a quiz multiple times. The number of attempts can be set for all assessments, or configured differently for each type. To see how these attempts will appear for students, check out this article.
Shuffle Quiz Questions
This setting will shuffle the order in which students see quiz questions. As a teacher, quiz questions will not be shuffled when you preview the quiz. More Info
Per Student Settings
Manage settings by assignment for individual students and yourself. You can change assignment settings including:
Is Assigned
Due Date
Copy/Paste Prevention
Allow Blocks
Preview your changes by clicking the Preview Assignment button at the bottom of the page.
Configure App Video Demo
The Configure app is available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get CodeHS Pro for your
school, contact our team at