Sections on CodeHS are optimized for a single school year. The best way to keep your Sections App organized is to:
Archive sections after the current school year ends, and
Create new Sections using your own course or a CodeHS course from the Course Catalog for the upcoming school year.
The sections in your Sections App are organized according to their school year. Over the summer, the school year will end and your sections will be grouped with the previous year. Any new sections will be created for the current school year.
Courses vs. Sections
What's the difference between a Course and a Section?
Within CodeHS, a Course is a sequence of curriculum that your students will work through. Courses are made up of Assignments.
Each Course can have multiple Sections.
Within CodeHS, a Section is a group of students working on a Course.
An Assignment is any module, lesson, or activity that students (within their Sections) work on as part of their Course.
In other words, a Section is a group of students (like a class), while the Course and Assignments are the curriculum content that they are working on.
Related Article: Creating Courses and Sections
After the School Year Ends
Your Sections App will be organized by school year. By default, the school year ends on June 30.
To Adjust the Section End Date:
In the Sections App, click the three dots next to the Section and choose Edit Section. This will take you to the Section Settings page.
Within Section Settings, scroll down to Start / End Date.
Click End Date and select the new date you'd like your Section to conclude.
To update a Section's School Year:
New Sections will automatically be grouped according to the current school year. You can change a Section's school year by clicking the three dots in your Sections App > choosing Edit Section > and updating the School Year.
After the designated school year end date, your sections will:
Be marked as Concluded
Be closed to enrollment (so no new students can join or drop)
Automatically archive after 30 days
Concluded vs. Archived Sections
When a section is Concluded, no students can be added or dropped from that section. If the section is not archived, students can still access their work.
When a section is Archived, it is hidden from the Student Dashboard and students cannot access their work unless you un-archive the section.
Concluded sections are visible in your Sections App and are listed as Concluded:
Related Article: Archiving and Un-Archiving Courses and Sections
Auto-Archiving Sections
At certain times of the year, concluded sections from earlier school years will be auto-archived
If you have affected sections, you will receive a notification on the site and by email
Once a section is auto-archived, you can unarchive it like any archived section
To opt out of auto-archiving, turn off the setting within the Teacher Profile tab in your Account Settings:
Reusing a Course for the New School Year
The CodeHS team makes Course updates over the Summer. To be sure that you're viewing the most up-to-date version of a Course, we recommend creating new sections rather than dropping and adding students for the new year. This way, you won't miss out on any of the updated content!
To reuse your Course with a new Section:
Navigate to your Courses App
Click the Create New Section button (represented by the projector icon) to the right of the course you want to reuse
Enter a name for your section and click Create. Your new section will be ready to use for the new school year!
To reuse your Course from a concluded Section:
You can also create a new section from a section that has already concluded.
Navigate to your Sections App
Click on the concluded section
Click the blue Teach this Course Again button
Enter a name for your section and click Create. Your new section will be ready to use for the new school year!
Note: if you use Access Controls, make sure to update the dates to reflect the new year.
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