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Using the Gradebook App

Learn how to utilize the Gradebook app to view and adjust student grades

Talia Smith avatar
Written by Talia Smith
Updated over 7 months ago
Pro feature

Gradebook App Overview

The Gradebook app on CodeHS is where you can track student grades for different sections. In the Gradebook app, you can adjust the view of your Gradebook, view grades by student, grade by individual Assignments, and configure your grading settings.

You can find the Gradebook app under the Grading category in the left-hand navigation menu:

The gradebook app in the grading category in the left hand navigation menu

Using the Gradebook App Tabs

The Gradebook app features four tools, which can be accessed by the tabs at the top of the page: Overview, By Student, By Assignment, and Settings:

The gradebook tools (overview, by student, by assignment, settings)


In the Overview tool, you'll find student grades displayed by student and activity type:

the overview page in the gradebook pointing to the students names and the assignment names location

Student grades for a course are shown in many formats. To the right of each student's name is their overall course grade by: letter grade, percent, total earned, total graded, and total possible. Under each assignment name, you can find the number of points a student earned for that assignment out of how many points the assignment is worth.

The Grading Key

The grading key is a simple way to gauge your students' submissions and grading status for assignments. Assignments can have the following statuses/colors on the Gradebook:

Image of assignment status colors

Click here to learn more about what the colors mean in the Gradebook.

Using 'Edit' to Manually Adjust Grades and Assignments

You can manually change point values in the Gradebook by clicking on the blue Edit button. This allows you to:

  • Manually adjust student grades on assignments

  • Change assignment point values

  • Remove individual assignments from your Gradebook

Video showing how to edit point values in the overview gradebook tool

Filtering by Section, Student, Module, and Lesson

Click the drop-down menus at the top of the page to filter grades by a specific section, student, module, or lesson:

Video showing how to use the section, student, module, and lesson drop down menus at the top of the overview tool page

Exporting and Refreshing Gradebook Data

Click the grey Export button to export your course grades, and then select the file type you'd like to export them in:

photo pointing to the export button in the overview tool page

Click here to learn more about exporting your gradebook.

If any of the grade data looks incorrect, click the Refresh data button. Please write to to let us know if you have questions or feedback.

photo pointing to the refresh button in the overview tool page

By Student

In the By Student tool, you'll find all of an individual student's grade information. Click the Section and Student dropdown menus at the top left to filter the section and student to look at grades for:

Photo of the by student gradebook tab pointing to the section and and student drop down menus

At the top of the page, you will see a summary of a student's grade information by: letter grade, percentage grade, and latest grade:

Photo of the grade summary statistics at the top of the by student gradebook tool

Below the grade information summary is a list of all a student's completed assignments, and their points earned out of points possible. Click on any assignment name to view the student's work on that assignment:

video showing how to click into an assignment in the by student gradebook page

Printing Individual Student Grades

Click the blue Print button at the top right corner to print all the information displayed on the By Student tool for a student:

Photo pointing to the blue print button on the by student tool page

By Assignment

In the By Assignment tool, you'll find the option to grade an individual assignment and adjust grading settings for this assignment. Click on the dropdown menus at the top left to filter which Section and Assignment to grade:

Photo pointing to the section and assignment drop down menus on the by assignment gradebook page

Click on the Grading Settings dropdown for the assignment to adjust: the points, whether it is in the Gradebook, whether it is teacher or auto-graded, the due date, and the grading category:

Video showing how to change grading settings in the by assignment tool page

Grading an Assignment

To grade an Assignment, select the student(s) you want to grade and then click: Give Full Credit, Give Zero, or Reset Code:

Video showing how to grade students in the by assignment tool by selecting the checkboxes and then clicking an action

You can also click the grey Fast Grade button at the top right corner to grade assignments from the Fast Grade app. Click here for more information on Fast Grade.

Adjusting Assignment Settings

Click the blue Assignment Settings button at the bottom of the page to change individual Assignment settings such as: Is Assigned, Due Dates, Copy/Paste, Block/Text, and Access Controls.

Photo of the blue assignment settings button on the by assignment gradebook tool

Click here to learn more about these Assignment Settings.


In the Settings tool, you'll find five main sections: Include in Gradebook, Display Settings, Student Permissions, Late Assignments, and Gradebook Calculations.

Photo of the five different sections in the settings page in the gradebook app

  • Include in Gradebook: This setting controls what type of assignments are in the Gradebook. This will remove all unchecked assignment types from the Gradebook and the assignments will not be included in the computational grade.

  • Display Settings: This setting controls which exercises are displayed in the Gradebook. This does not remove them from the Gradebook, the assignment is hidden yet still included in the computational grade. You can also check/uncheck the option to Show a flag on Late Assignments, or to Display a letter grade:

  • Student Permissions: This setting controls whether or not students can view their grade report for a section.

  • Late Assignments: This setting controls whether all assignments automatically receive a zero after the due date. An assignment can still be submitted after the due date. Checking this box will also retroactively give all late unopened or not-submitted assignments a zero. Click here for more information on Late Assignments settings.

  • Gradebook Calculations: This setting controls how the final percentage grade is calculated. Click here for more information on configuring Gradebook Calculations.

Click the checkboxes in each setting section to customize the Gradebook settings to your preferences. Click here for more information on customizing Gradebook settings.

The Gradebook App is available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get CodeHS Pro for your

school, contact our team at

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