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Teacher Account Settings

Use Account Settings to manage your account: username, password, course and section settings, IDE preferences, download code, and more

Sara Jenis avatar
Written by Sara Jenis
Updated today
Banner: This is a Free feature

Teacher Account Settings allows you to change settings for your account and the courses, and sections that you teach. Account Settings include Profile Settings, default IDE Settings, Teacher Profile, Course Settings, Section Settings, Permissions, and Code History.

Profile Settings

In your Profile Settings tab, you can change your password, email, and username. You also change your timezone, user icon, and Syntax Highlighting.

Teachers also have the ability to delete their account from the Profile Settings tab. Please note that this action is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Preferred Language

Set your preferred language using the drop-down menu.

Note: not all courses are translated at this time

Image of account settings >preferred language

IDE Settings

Set your default Code Editor settings in the IDE tab. You can also change the default font, font size, and save your preferences for block and autocomplete settings.

Teacher Profile

Enable/Disable Auto-Archiving Sections.

View and change your teaching history in the Teacher Profile tab. 


In the Courses tab, you can see a list of the courses you teach and you have the ability to change course names, view active sections using a course, and add a section to the course. You can access the Assignments page and Course Settings for that course.

Screenshot showing the navigation options on the Course Settings tab

You can also view and unenroll yourself from any courses that you've enrolled in as a student on the Courses tab.


In the Sections tab, you can see all of your sections, edit a section’s name, archive or unarchive a section, lock enrollment, and edit the timezone. Access the section's toolbox menu by clicking on the ... under More.

Image showing section settings from toolbox

Notification Settings

In the Notification Settings tab, you are able to control email notifications for when a student submits a Help question, when students send a message with CodeHS Conversations, or when students submit an assignment that needs to be graded by the teacher.

Code History

In the Code History tab, you can download the code from all of your completed exercises. Check out Print Your Code and Download Your Code if you would like to print or download the code from a specific exercise.

You can also Retrieve Deleted Sandbox programs.


In the Permissions tab, you can see what plan level you have.

Email Notifications are only available on CodeHS Pro. To get Pro for your school, contact our team at

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