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Using Free Digital Textbooks

CodeHS offers digital textbooks for JavaScript, Python, and AP CSA as a free resource to use in your classroom.

Jeremy Keeshin avatar
Written by Jeremy Keeshin
Updated over a week ago
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CodeHS digital textbooks are a free resource available to all teachers. Textbooks are available in several programming languages and contain interactive coding examples.

Textbooks can be used to support your own lessons or alongside existing CodeHS Courses.

Current Textbook Offerings

Photo of digital textbook

Accessing CodeHS Textbooks

Go here to learn more about CodeHS textbooks and access our current digital textbooks. Textbooks are also available through a CodeHS teacher or student account.

Teacher Toolbox

Teachers can access the textbooks from the Resources section in the Toolbox:

Photo of Digital textbooks in the toolbox

Student Dashboard

Students can access textbooks from the left-hand sidebar in their Student Dashboard:

Photo of digital textbooks on student dashboard

Accessing Textbooks in the Code Editor

Teachers and students can also access digital textbooks while coding in the editor by clicking on More > Textbook.

Photo of digital textbook in the code editor

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