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Engaging Students with CodeHS

Learn different ways to engage students using CodeHS

Sara Jenis avatar
Written by Sara Jenis
Updated over 7 months ago
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CodeHS has several tools that help teachers motivate and engage students as they explore the field of Computer Science.

Student Choice

The CodeHS Course Catalog provides a full view of the CodeHS courses built to expose students to several aspects of computer science. Teachers can easily manage multiple courses and sections, allowing students the freedom to focus on what is most appealing to them. Classes can be split, with students working in small groups on various content areas.

Customizing Course Assignments

Teachers can use CodeHS as a Learning Management System. With the option to create custom modules, lessons, and assignments, it’s easy to enhance existing CodeHS content, or create your own course from scratch.

Even if utilizing a standard course template, teachers have the option to add additional modules from other CodeHS courses.

Enrichment for Students

CodeHS courses can be customized to fit the needs of all learners. Pro Teachers can utilize Access Controls to assign additional challenges and lessons to advanced students or students in need of more practice. Many teachers also follow an “Independent Study” model, allowing students to self-pace through courses of choice. See Differentiating Instruction with CodeHS to learn more.

CodeHS also offers various interactive Tutorials that students can complete to deepen their understanding or learn new concepts!

Hour of Code

Our Hour of Code page provides one hour lessons on a variety of topics. Teachers can utilize these as a way to mix up a course and provide students exposure to other coding languages and topics. “Hour of Code Fridays” are an example of an end of week reward that students can look forward to.

Rewards and Incentives

Students love to be recognized for their work and achievements! CodeHS allows teachers to create custom badges to provide positive reinforcement to students and build a fun classroom culture.

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