You can fork, or copy, CodeHS Assignments to customize them for your students. Once you fork a CodeHS assignment, you can edit or add Quiz questions, change the starter or solution code to an Assignment, and more.
What Does 'Fork' Mean?
When you fork a program, or in this case a CodeHS Assignment, it means that you are making your own copy to work on, and any changes you make will not affect the original. Forking a CodeHS Assignment allows you to make your own, customizable copy without affecting the original.
What Happens to the Original Assignment?
The original assignment is not affected in any way. If it was assigned to your students, it will still be assigned, and none of the content will be affected by any changes you make to the duplicate.
You can unassign or delete the original Assignment to avoid having students work on both assignments. (Note: if you fork an Assignment that's already been unassigned, the copy will also be unassigned.)
How to Fork and Edit a CodeHS Assignment
To fork a CodeHS Assignment and create an editable copy:
Navigate to the Assignments tool and use the dropdowns to select the Course/Section to with.
Click the three dots (. . .) next to the Assignment you'd like to copy.
Select Remix.
Click on Fork Assignment.
Select between two options:
Create new assignment: The original assignment remains in the course and the new assignment is created immediately after it.
Replace current assignment: The original assignment is removed from the course and replaced with the new assignment.
Click Remix Assignment and a copy of the assignment will be made.
Editing Quizzes
You can add additional questions to a forked Quiz or edit existing questions. For more information, check out Creating a Custom Quiz.
Click Create New Question to add your own questions to the forked quiz
Use the pencil button to edit an existing question
Click the red X next to a question to remove it from the forked quiz
Import Quiz Questions
You can add additional questions to a forked quiz or custom quiz by importing quiz questions from other quizzes in a course. For more information, check out Creating a Custom Quiz.
To import quiz questions from another quiz:
Click on the Add Questions from Existing Quiz button.
A dropdown with a list of quizzes will appear. Search for the quiz you want to add, choose it, and click submit.
Close the modal and click “Edit” to reopen, and the new questions should appear.
Editing Assignments
Use the tabs to navigate between different fields. You can edit the Assignment name and description, Starter Code, Solution Code, and more. Use the Preview button to see how the assignment will look for students. Learn more about Creating Custom Assignments.
Editing Assignments with Autograders
Keep in mind that if the Assignment has an Autograder, you may want to edit the Autograder or remove it. For more information, check out Creating Autograders.
To edit or remove an Autograder from a forked Assignment:
Click Edit on the right-hand side of the forked Assignment
Click Advanced Settings
Select the Autograder tab
Edit the Autograder code and click the blue Save Autograder button
Alternatively, click the red Remove Autograder button
Accessing Forked Assignments
In addition to being able to edit a forked Assignment from your Assignments page, all of your previously forked Assignments will be accessible via the Create page:
Copying and Editing Assignments Demo
Forking CodeHS Assignments is a feature available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get Pro for your school, contact our team at