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Offering CodeHS Certifications to Your Students

CodeHS offers Industry-Relevant and State Approved Certifications for High School Computer Science

Claire Sindlinger avatar
Written by Claire Sindlinger
Updated over a week ago
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CodeHS offers 7 industry-relevant programming certifications for high school students. These certifications are a stepping stone for students’ career aspirations and help build programming skill credibility.

CodeHS Certifications badges with different colors for each badge

Why Offer Certifications at Your School

CodeHS Certifications provide verification that students have learned industry-relevant skills from our secure, comprehensive exam. By building skill credibility for students and future employers, certifications will also help showcase your school’s computer science program.

Available Certifications

CodeHS offers 7 state-approved certification exams across different programming languages and topics including Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and Cybersecurity.

CodeHS Certifications are approved by:

Certification Exam

State Approval

Java Level 1

Oklahoma, Virginia, South Carolina, Arkansas

JavaScript Level 1

Oklahoma, Virginia, South Carolina. Arkansas

Python Level 1

Virginia, South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas

Web Design Level 1

Virginia, South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Pennsylvania

Cybersecurity Level 1

Virginia, South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas

Cybersecurity Level 2

South Carolina, Arkansas

Web Development Level 1

Virginia, South Carolina, Arkansas, Pennsylvania

Student Certification Journey - How It Works

Complete a CodeHS Course

There are no specific prerequisites for the exams. However, we recommend that students take the CodeHS courses listed below to prepare for each exam.

Certification Exam

Recommended CodeHS Course

Java Level 1

AP CSA (Mocha or Nitro)

JavaScript Level 1

Intro to CS in JavaScript

Python Level 1

Intro to Python, Python Programming

Web Design Level 1

Intro to Web Design

Cybersecurity Level 1

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Level 2

Advanced Cybersecurity

Web Development Level 1

Web Development

Prepare for the Exam

Click the links below to learn more about the specific concepts covered in each exam:

Demo Certifications

Demo Certifications provide teachers with an opportunity to explore the testing environment and try out accessibility features before exam day. To unlock a Demo Certification, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Certifications Overview page.

  2. Scroll down to the "Demo Certification" section.

  3. Enter the voucher code "DEMO" to access the demo exam.

GIF showing how to navigate to the Certifications Overview page and then start a Demo Exam under the "Certification Exams" section on the page

Exam Day & Voucher Codes

On the exam date, students will enter a voucher code to start the exam. Learn more about the exam format here and read the Student's Certification Guide.

Students can take or retake as many certification exams as they want. A new voucher code will be needed for each exam. Each voucher code entered is good for one attempt.

Download Your Certificate

After passing a certification exam, students will receive a congratulations email including their downloadable certificate! We recommend that students download their certificate and save the verification code or the Share URL. See Accessing Certification Completion Certificates for more info. These certifications do not expire.

More Information

Learn more about the features and reporting available in the Certifications app by visiting the Using the Certifications App article.

Bringing Certifications To Your School

Request a quote to learn how you can bring CodeHS Certifications to your school.

Interested in bringing CodeHS Certifications to your school? Request a quote or contact our team at to learn how.

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