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CodeHS Certification Exam Format

Certification Exam Format and Details

Claire Sindlinger avatar
Written by Claire Sindlinger
Updated over a month ago
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Each exam is timed at 90 minutes and contains 45 multiple-choice questions. These questions will be based on a specific group of programming topics and concepts.

Delivery Method 

Students will be able to take the online certification exam at home or school after receiving a voucher code from their teacher. Students will have access to a reference sheet with built-in functions and commands that may be included in the certification exam.

Preventing Cheating

There are a few ways the CodeHS Team has developed to prevent cheating:

  1. Honor Code: Students will sign an Honor Code before starting the exam.

  2. Focus Mode: When students start the exam, they will not be able to navigate to another CodeHS page. Focus Mode will prevent students from going back to previous exercises, quizzes, and resources on CodeHS during the exam.

  3. Randomly Generated Questions: Exam questions will be randomly generated from a bank of curated programming problems categorized by specific topics and concepts.

  4. Time Limit: Students will have a limited time (90 minutes) to complete the exam which must be done in one sitting.

Programming Languages & Topics

CodeHS offers 7 state-approved certification exams across different programming languages and topics including Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and Cybersecurity. Read more about state approval here.

Click the links below to learn more about the specific concepts covered in each exam:


Exam results will be shared within 36 hours of completing the exam on school days.

Testing Accommodations & Accessibility

Certification test accommodations may be made available for students who receive testing accommodations from their school or students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan. Supported accommodations include extended time and read aloud testing. Other accommodation requests will need to be reviewed for platform functionality.

To request certification testing accommodations for a student, please email with the student’s full name and the needed accommodations. CodeHS does not require documentation about any individual student’s needs for accommodation services.

Interested in bringing CodeHS Certifications to your school? Request a quote or contact our team at to learn how.

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