Middle School Course Options
Computer Science Explorations 1
50 hours in total - 10 Hours Dedicated to Python
The Computer Science Explorations 1 course is an introductory course for early middle school students. The course is designed to give a broad introduction to basic computer science topics, including:
Digital citizenship
Opportunity for students to have a brief experience with Python. The course contains one 10-hour Tracy Adventures module where students learn how to use basic commands, variables, and functions in Python programs.
Explore Computer Science Explorations 1 in the Course Catalog.
Python Basics with Tracy 1
60 hours
The Python Basics with Tracy 1 course teaches students the basics of programming in Python. Students learn Python commands, functions, control structures, and user interaction by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow.
Explore Python Basics with Tracy 1 in the Course Catalog.
Python Basics with Tracy 2
60 hours
The Python Basics with Tracy 2 course teaches students extended concepts in Python. Students learn how to use lists, manipulate strings, and work with files by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Tracy to follow.
Note: Students MUST cover Python Basics with Tracy 1 before beginning this course.
Explore Python Basics with Tracy 2 in the Course Catalog.
High School Course Options
Introduction to Computer Science in Python
This course covers much of the same content that is found in the newly updated Python Programming course. See below for how the courses compare.
Introduction to Python Programming (Recommended)
Two 60-hour courses, or one 120-hour course
Introduction to Python Programming introduces students to the fundamentals of computer programming, with an emphasis on helping students develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
We recommend teachers use Introduction to Python Programming instead of Introduction to Computer Science in Python. Introduction to Python Programming includes updated content as follows:
The first module uses Karel in Python instead of the Turtle Graphics module in Introduction to Programming.
There is a new lesson, Programming Languages, that was added to the Basic Python and Console Interaction module.
There is a new module called Roles in a Software Development Team.
Each module is followed by a project module.
The Game of Pig project was added to the course.
There is a new module called File I/O.
These courses also ensure that if students have taken any of the Middle School Python courses, they will not experience any duplicate content between the MS and HS courses, optimizing students' learning progression.
If teachers would like to use Tracy the Turtle content in HS instead of or in addition to Karel in Python, they can add modules from the MS Python Basics with Tracy courses as needed. The relevant modules will also be available as supplemental content in the Introduction to Python Programming course. Adding this Tracy content to HS may be repeating content for students who took the Python Basics with Tracy courses in middle school.
Course Content Comparison
Introduction to Python Programming Units (Recommended) | Introduction to Computer Science in Python Units |
Unit 1: Welcome Unit 2: Karel in Python Unit 3: Basic Python and Console Interaction Unit 4: Project: Mad Libs Unit 5: Conditionals Unit 6: Project: Quiz Game Unit 7: Looping Unit 8: Project: Password Authenticator Unit 9: Functions and Exceptions Unit 10: Strings Unit 11: Project: The Game of Pig Unit 12: Creating and Altering Data Structures Unit 13: Extending Data Structures Unit 14: Project: Guess the Word Unit 15: File I/O Unit 16: Roles in a Software Development Team | Unit 1: Welcome Unit 2: Introduction to Programming with Turtle Graphics Unit 3: Basic Python and Console Interaction Unit 4: Conditionals Unit 5: Looping Unit 6: Functions and Exceptions Unit 7: Strings Unit 8: Creating and Altering Data Structures Unit 9: Extending Data Structures Unit 10: Project: Guess the Word Unit 11: Final Exam |
Explore these courses in the Course Catalog:
Python Programming 1 (Semester / 60 hours)
Python Programming 2 (Semester / 60 hours)
Python Programming (Year)
AP Computer Science Principles in Python
125 hours
Students do not need prior knowledge of Python to complete this course. It can be used in early high school, before students take Python Programming, regardless of whether students had Python exposure in middle school. However, for schools or students who prefer to wait for AP courses until later in high school, this course could also follow Python Programming.
Explore AP CSP in Python in the Course Catalog.
Still have questions? Contact our team at hello@codehs.com to learn more!