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Hour of Code Resources

All the classroom resources needed to celebrate CSEdWeek!

Claire Sindlinger avatar
Written by Claire Sindlinger
Updated over 3 months ago

Request a School Visit for CSEdWeek 2024

The CodeHS team will be visiting computer science classrooms around the country to celebrate CSEdWeek from December 2nd through December 13th. If you're interested in CodeHS visiting your classroom this year, fill out this form.

πŸš— Beyond CSEdWeek, CodeHS is also visiting schools as part of the CodeHS Road Trip. We are reviewing all visit requests on a rolling basis for this year-long cross-country adventure!

πŸŽ₯ On-Demand Hour of Code Workshops (for Classrooms/Students)

An Hour of Code is a great opportunity to get your students excited about computer science. Our virtual workshops run for about an hour and fifteen minutes including a short introduction followed by guided support through a CodeHS lesson.

Our on-demand hour of code workshops are available to work through with your classroom on your schedule!

If you'd like to skip around the workshop recordings to certain parts, click the title of the workshop in the top to open the video in YouTube. Then to view the Key Moments / Chapters (different segments of the workshop), click "Show More" in the YouTube description below the video.

Middle and High School Workshops

Generating Art with Code

Access the workshop slides here.

Creating Virtual Worlds

Access the workshop slides here.

Turtle Graphics with Tracy the Turtle

Access the workshop slides here.

2021 On-Demand Hour of Code Workshops

The following workshops were presented in 2021 and are available to share with your classroom.

Coding in Music

Access the workshop slides here.

Generating Art with Code

Access the workshop slides here. You can also read more about our guest speaker, Floor Drees, and her work at

Coding for Data Visualization

with Guest Speaker Blair Hutchinson, Product Manager at Tableau

Coding for a Litter-Free Community

Access the workshop slides here.

How to Run an Hour of Code Webinars (For Teachers)

Interested in learning about Hour of Code and how to run a workshop in your classroom this year? Register for a free 30 minute webinar to help you prepare and choose the right Hour of Code for your students.

How to Run an Hour of Code with CodeHS (6-12th Grade)

Date: Nov 13, 2024 @ 3:00 - 3:45pm CT

Date: Nov 18, 2024 @ 5:30 - 6:15pm CST

Not able to make the above webinars? Webinars will be recorded and shared with all registered teachers after the event.

How to Run an Hour of Code - Quick Start Guide

Follow these steps to quickly set up a CodeHS Hour of Code session:

  1. Create a CodeHS account at

  2. Choose the Hour of Code you would like to use with your students.

  3. Check out the included Lesson Plan attached to your Hour of Code choice. Be sure to review the problem solutions, and check if there are any included student handouts.

  4. Review the Slide Deck for your session and complete the tutorial before running your event.

  5. Decide if students will access the Hour of Code activity by logging into CodeHS, or while logged out:

    1. If each student already has a CodeHS account - create an Hour of Code section and enroll your students in it, or assign an Hour of Code activity from to an existing CodeHS section

    2. If students will not be logging in to CodeHS accounts - direct students to and have them click the Start Course button, or share the Hour of Code direct link with students (e.g.
      ​NOTE: Student progress will not be saved if they are not logged in to a CodeHS account!

  6. Make sure to have a computer and set of headphones for each student. It’s also a good idea to have a few extra computers and headphones on hand, just in case!

CodeHS Hour of Code Tutorials

Access all the CodeHS Hour of Code tutorials for free at

Need help choosing the right Hour of Code tutorial for your students?

For middle and high school, reference the How to Choose the Right Tutorial Guide.

table with recommended courses based on student grade level and experience

For elementary school, reference this guide here.

Still have questions? Contact our team at to learn more!

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