CodeHS Pro allows teachers to prevent students from copying and pasting in the Code Editor. When Copy/Paste Prevention is enabled, students enrolled in that section can no longer Copy, Paste, or Cut to and from the Editor. Although, students will still be able to copy their own code from previous assignments with Copy/Paste prevention turned on.
Copy/Paste Prevention can be enabled for an entire section, per student, or for a single assignment. It can also be applied to students' Sandbox.
Configure For a Section
Navigate to the Configure app
Click the Copy/Paste Settings tool
Toggle settings for each module, lesson, or assignment. Select the top toggle to turn on Copy / Paste Prevention for the entire course.
Configure For an Individual Student
From the Roster app:
From your Roster app, click on the gear icon next to the student's name
Configure the setting for entire modules, or expand to configure the setting for specific lessons or assignments
Configure For an Assignment
Navigate to the Assignments app
Click the Configure (gear) icon next to the assignment you want to configure
Scroll down to enable Copy/Paste Prevention
Configure for the Sandbox
To configure your Sandbox settings:
Navigate to the Configure app
Click the Copy/Paste Settings tool
Toggle the button at the top of each Section column to control Copy / Paste in the Sandbox:
To allow students to Copy / Paste in the Sandbox, but not in their Course Assignments, make sure the top toggle is switched to No:
Copy/Paste Prevention is available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get CodeHS Pro for your school, contact our team at