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Creating a New Section

Create new class Sections for your students on CodeHS.

Claire Sindlinger avatar
Written by Claire Sindlinger
Updated over 6 months ago
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What's the difference between a Course and a Section?

  1. Within CodeHS, a Course is a sequence of curriculum that your students will work through. Courses are made up of Assignments.

  2. Each Course can have multiple Sections.

  3. Within CodeHS, a Section is a group of students working on a Course.

  4. An Assignment is any module, lesson or activity that students (within their Sections) work on as part of their Course.

In other words, a Section is a group of students (like a class), while the Course and Assignments are the curriculum content that they are working on.

Creating a New Section

To create a new section:

  1. Click New Section in the top navigation bar of the Sections App

  2. Select a course:

  • Choose an existing course to reuse assignments and configurations for your new section.

  • Select a course from the CodeHS Course Catalog to use the latest version of a course. Check out all of the new CodeHS courses here!

πŸ’‘ If you would like to create your own course from scratch, are looking to use a CodeHS Integrations, or want to copy, share, and configure your course before creating a section, use your Courses App.

Gif showing how to create a new section by following the steps outlined above.

After selecting the main course, it's time to add students to your section!

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