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Sharing Course Content with Other Teachers
Sharing Course Content with Other Teachers

Share modules, assignments, and custom-designed courses with other teachers and co-teachers.

Mike Javor avatar
Written by Mike Javor
Updated over 6 months ago
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There are a few ways to share Courses and Assignments with other teachers. Whether you're looking to build a joint course with another teacher or wanting to share custom assignments, your Courses and Assignments app is the best place to start.

Sharing an Entire Course

You can add a co-teacher to a Course, giving them the ability to use, copy, and edit course content.

This Video Demo below covers:

  • Adding a co-teacher to a Course

  • Setting permissions for a co-teacher

  • Making a copy of a Course for another teacher

  • Removing a co-teacher from a course

Adding a Co-Teacher to your Course

Adding a co-teacher to a Course allows another teacher to use, edit, and/or share the content in that course. This is ideal for sharing curriculum between two different teacher's classrooms.

👉 For teachers who are teaching the same class of students, it's recommended that a co-teacher be added to the Section, not the Course.

How to Invite a Teacher to Collaborate on a Course:

  1. Click the gear icon next to a course's name or click the Settings tab in the top menu to access Course Settings

  2. Scroll down to the section that says Invite co-teachers to collaborate on this course > then add the teacher's email and press Submit

  3. Change the teacher's access level under the Teacher Permissions section above

settings tab and gear icon next to course pointed out as same link

Find more information about adding co-teachers to Courses and Sections in Adding a Co-teacher To Your Section or Your Course.

Sharing Modules, Lessons, and Assignments

There are a few different ways to share assignments between teachers. Any co-teacher of a Course can copy or use the content in a shared course. Assignments can also be shared through Playlists on the Create app.

This Video Demo covers:

  • Copying Modules and Assignments from one Course to another

  • Sharing a module from your Course with another teacher

  • Using a Playlist with the Create app to share assignments​

To Copy a Module from a Course

From the Courses and Assignments app:

  1. Click the three dots "..." next to the Module

  2. Click Assign to Another Course

  3. Select one of your pre-existing Courses

clicking three dots brings up option to assign modules to other courses

To Share a Playlist

  1. Go to the Create app, then select the Playlists tool

  2. Click the three dots "..." next to the Playlist and click Copy Link

  3. Any CodeHS teacher can use the link to view and use the contents of this playlist

arrow points to playlists tab in Create app

Check out Creating a Playlist to learn more about Playlists.

Sharing Sandbox Programs

Teachers’ Sandbox programs are automatically available to be shared with students, other CodeHS users, or anyone with the link. For more information on the sharing and embedding options available for Sandbox programs, see Sharing Sandbox Programs.

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