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Late or Missing Assignments Grading Settings

Configure your Gradebook to handle late or missing assignments, assign a late penalty, and more

Lea Sloan avatar
Written by Lea Sloan
Updated over 8 months ago

You can configure the CodeHS Gradebook to control whether late assignments are penalized. If you have set a Due Date for an assignment, use Late Assignment Settings to control how that assignment is graded if there is a late submission.

In your Gradebook app, click the Settings tool:

Then, scroll to the Late Assignments section:

Give missing assignments zeroes until completed: Enabling this setting will update all overdue, un-submitted assignments to a grade of 0. This setting will also apply retroactively to any missing or overdue assignments in the Gradebook.

Penalize Late Submissions

Enable this setting to apply a late penalty to any assignment submitted after the due date. If the setting is disabled, students will get full credit after submitting the late assignment.

Enabling this setting will also expand the following options:

  • Percent deducted from late submissions: Designate a percentage of points to deduct from late submissions.

    • Example: setting a percentage of 25% will cause a late assignment originally worth 5 points to finalize to 3.8 points.

You can then choose to Finalize late submissions which will finalize the grade, or you can choose to Add late submissions to grading queue for manual review.

Gradebook is available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get CodeHS Pro for your school or if you have additional questions, contact our team at

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