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Real-Time Collaboration Chat [Beta]
Real-Time Collaboration Chat [Beta]

Enable the chat feature for your students during Real-Time collaboration in the Sandbox

Gary Gould avatar
Written by Gary Gould
Updated over a week ago
Banner: this is a Free feature

The chat feature allows students who are collaborating on a shared program to send text messages back and forth to each other. This is currently a Beta Feature, and requires that teachers enable it before it's accessible for their students.

Once a teacher enables Real-Time Chat for their students, it will also be available on their teacher account.

Opt-In to Use Real-Time Chat

Teachers will need to enable this feature in their Section Settings before students can use it. To enable Real-Time Chat:

  • Click on a Section

  • Click on Gear Icon in upper right to go to Section Settings

  • Scroll down to Collaborate Chat and select Enable For All Students (You can also disable this feature if you no longer want student to access it)

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Using Real-Time Chat with Collaborate

After joining a collaborate session, a chat bubble will appear in the bottom right. The chat bubble can be moved around the screen for convenience. Click to expand or collapse chat. Sent messages will be tagged with a username and icon.

Note: Currently, chat is not available for Karel programs!

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