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Administrator Dashboard

With this powerful dashboard, school and district administrators can track student data across multiple schools and classrooms

Lea Sloan avatar
Written by Lea Sloan
Updated over 3 months ago
Pro Feature banner

School and district administrators can access the Administrator Dashboard by switching to Administrator using the drop-down menu on the left-hand sidebar:

selecting Administrator from drop down menu

Data by Teachers, Sections, and Students

On the dashboard, you'll see an overview of your data that includes the number of Schools, Teachers, Sections, and Students. You can click on these categories to get more information:

Dashboard categories link to more information

To break down the top-level data, you can filter by School, Year, License Type, and other categories:

filters displayed at top of page

When looking at Teachers, Sections, or Students, you can get more details by clicking on a teacher or section name:

See more details by clicking on teachers, sections, or students

Detailed information about a teacher

Data Tracking Tools

The Data Tracking section allows you to view activity for each school and filter progress by Sections, by students, or by teachers.

data tracking shows in the left navigation bar

Viewing Activity

Under Data Tracking, you can choose to either view the activity heat map for an individual school or for all of the schools that are using CodeHS in your district.

detail view of data tracking page

A denser, darker heat map indicates more coding activity on the site:

Progress page vie2

Viewing Progress

Under Data Tracking, you can utilize the drop-down menu to view Progress by Sections, by students, or by teachers.

progress page view

Viewing Activity by Week

Click on Section, then the name of a Section to see activity by week:

gif shows clicking into data dashboards

See Your Teachers' Courses with the Courses App

The Courses app shows all the Courses that are being used by your teachers. It also displays the number of sections and students in each course. Click on any course name to see more info.

Courses app view

Check Certification Status and Vouchers

The Certifications Tool shows each certification voucher purchased and corresponding reports related to that voucher code. Navigate to Certifications from the side navigation by looking under Organization, then clicking on Certifications:

Use the top bar to filter results. Each voucher will display in the table below and show the number of certification exams purchased, redeemed, along with their grading status and student pass rate. Click on the concept mastery report to see additional information about student performance on the Certification Exam.

The Administrator Dashboard is available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get CodeHS Pro for your school or district, contact our team at

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