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Using the Classroom Data App
Using the Classroom Data App

Explore the Classroom Data app to learn more about your students' activity and engagement with CodeHS

Talia Smith avatar
Written by Talia Smith
Updated over 7 months ago

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Classroom Data App Overview

The Classroom Data app on CodeHS is where you can find all the tools for tracking student activity on CodeHS. Some of these tools include Activity Minimaps and displays of most recent activity, Assignment actions, active day history, and Section enrollment history.

Access the Classroom Data app by clicking on Toolbox in the top navigation bar, then click Classroom Data under the Classroom category:

Photo pointing how to the classroom data app from the toolbox in the top navigation meny

Using the Classroom Data App Tools

The Classroom Data app features five tools, which can be accessed by the tabs at the top of the page: Activity Minimap, Most Recent Activity, Assignment Action Feed, Active Day History, and Section Enrollment History.

Photo of the five classroom data tabs: activity minimap, most recent activity, assignment action feed, active day history, section enrollment history

Activity Minimap

In the Activity Minimap tool, you'll find a heat map of each student's activity on the site. The activity on the map could be any activity on typing, clicking around, moving the mouse, etc. A darker square indicates a day with more site activities.

Hover over a square on the map to see the date and how many activities were completed on that date:

Video of how to hover over the boxes on the activity minimaps

In all of the Classroom Data app pages, there will be a Section dropdown menu at the top left that you can click to switch between sections:

Photo pointing to the section drop down menu in the activity minimap tool

Most Recent Activity

In the Most Recent Activity tool, you'll find an overview of a section’s most recent activity. You can view the last activity a student worked on as well as the time and date they last worked on it.

You can click on the Student's name to get to their Assignments page, or click on the Most Recent Activity name to get to the specific Assignment:

Photo of the most recent activity tab pointing to how to click on a student's name and on their most recent assignment

Assignment Action Feed

The Assignment Action Feed shows an overview of a Section's history on the site, with timestamps indicating when the following events occurred:

  • The first time an Assignment was viewed

  • When an Assignment was submitted

  • When an Assignment was graded by the teacher or Autograder

Here you can click on the Assignment name in the feed to access your student's Assignment:

Photo of the assignment action feed pointing to an assignment action and how to click on the assignment listed in the assignment action

Active Day History

The Active Day History shows a list of all the days when students were active. For each day a student was active, the list item will display the student's name, the date, and the time of their first activity on that date.

Use the Student dropdown menu at the top of the page to filter this list by student(s), and click the Date button to the right of the drop-down menus to filter by a specific date range. Once you customize these menus, click Filter to show these results in the Active Day History list below.

Photo highlighting one students active day history row on the active day history tool

Section Enrollment History

The Section Enrollment History tool is a list showing when students were added or dropped from a Section. For each time these actions happen, the list item will display the student's name and email, the action (added/dropped), the date, and the initiator of the action:

Photo highlighting a students row information in the section enrollment history tool page

Video Demo

The Classroom Data app is available as part of CodeHS Pro. To get CodeHS Pro for your

school, contact our team at

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