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Using the Fast Grade App

Learn how to grade student submitted assignments quickly

Israel Yarce avatar
Written by Israel Yarce
Updated over 2 weeks ago
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Fast Grade App Overview

The Fast Grade app on CodeHS allows teachers to be able to view and grade student submissions quickly, along with being able to view the assignment's description, run the solution code, and run the student's code.

You can access the Fast Grade app in the left navigation bar by looking under the Grading category:

GIF demonstrating how to navigate to fast grade on the left navigation bar.

You can also access Fast Grade from Toolbox > Code Review > Fast Grade:

GIF demonstrating how to navigate to fast grade app using toolbox on the top navigation bar

Using Fast Grade


The Fast Grade app offers different ways to filter assignments to grade if you're looking to grade a specific set of assignments, prefer to grade them in a certain order, or both.

You can filter what assignments you want to grade by:

  • Assignment name

  • Section

  • Assignment status (Submitted, Not Submitted, Reviewed, etc)

GIF demonstrating the many filter options offered for fast grade.

You can set the order for the assignments you grade by:

  • Oldest Submission First

  • Newest Submission First

  • Last Name A-Z

  • Last Name Z-A

GIF demonstrating the "order by" filter.


There are four buttons used for grading in fast grade: Award Full Credit, Give Zero, Finalize, and Needs Work. Once you give a student a grade, the next submission will automatically appear.

  • Award Full Credit: Gives the submission a full score and marks it as finalized.

  • Give Zero: Gives the submission a score of 0 and marks it as finalized.

  • Finalize: Takes the score you input along with your feedback, and gives the submission that score. Marks the submission as finalized.

  • Needs Work: Takes the score you input along with your feedback, and gives the submission that score. Marks the submission as Needs Work. Students can re-submit assignments marked as Needs Work.

image demonstrating the many buttons that can be used for grading an assignment.

You can also view a student's previous grade for the exact assignment and create your own response for feedback:

image demonstrating other tools such as viewing previous grade for an assignment and creating canned responses to use for feedback.


Fast Grade includes Keyboard shortcuts to make the grading process even faster. Keyboard shortcuts can be found on the "?" icon on the right-hand side of the platform.

Click question mark icon for information about Fast Grade and keyboard shortcuts

With shortcuts, you have the ability to:

  • View assignment description

  • View Rubric

  • Run student code

  • Run solution code

  • Access Student Code History

GIF demonstrating the shortcuts offered for fast grade.

Demo Video

CodeHS Fast Grade is only available on CodeHS Pro. To get Pro for your school, contact our team at

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