If you're looking to see which students have opened up the lesson’s starter code (e.g., if you’re giving a participation grade), click on the Progress tab for your Section.
On this page, a green circle indicates that a student has accessed the lesson starter code:
To view all students’ work for a specific assignment, click on the assignment link at the top of the table while viewing the Progress tab. From there, you will see the assignment for all students on one page.
Grading Rubric
If you're assigning specific grades for each assignment, you can use the rubric at the bottom of each lesson plan to assign a score based on the concrete measures provided.
Self-Assessment Rubric
You can also give students the Program Self-Assessment tool designed to help K-6 learners reflect on their programming projects, evaluate their skills in algorithms, debugging, collaboration, and reflection, and set goals for improvement. Click here to access the Program Self-Assessment.
This tool can also be found by going to the Curriculum Resources section in the elementary Resources tab:
Still have questions? Contact our team at to learn more!
CodeHS Elementary Curriculum is included with an Elementary License. If you believe you should have access to the Elementary Portal, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or send an email to