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Data Structures in C++

Explore content for the Data Structures in C++ course

Sara Jenis avatar
Written by Sara Jenis
Updated over 8 months ago
icon of data structures in C++ course


The Data Structures in C++ course is an advanced computer science course that focuses on different ways to store data beyond the traditional variables and list format. The course focus is learning the basics of these data structures and then applying them to larger, real-world applications.

Why teach this course?

We see data everywhere and in many different forms, from tracking customer habits, marketing, shipping orders, and even sequencing the human genome. Advanced data structures and algorithms are used to manage this data when it does not neatly fit into a list.

What’s Covered in Data Structures in C++?

View the full course overview here and download a copy of the syllabus here.

course overview of data structures in C++

Who should take this course?

The Data Structures course is designed for students who have previously completed a full-year computer science course, such as AP CSA. While C++ is used as the language for the course, the focus of the course is on understanding and applying advanced data structures.

Prior C++ knowledge is not a prerequisite, however, students should have a working knowledge of basic computer science concepts such as variables, control structures, and functions/methods in at least one programming language.

Gif showing a sample run of the Data Structures in C++ project Karaoke Night

How is this course different from other CodeHS courses?

  • Instead of delivering instruction through videos, this course uses custom example exercises.

  • This course features more projects. Each module contains 1 to 3 projects that may take students up to a week to complete. Highlights include:

    • The Game of Pig: Students create a classic game where they roll a die and need to decide whether to bank or roll on.

    • Karaoke Night: Students create an application to add songs and users to a DJ's queue to manage a Karaoke session.

    • Bingo: Students create random Bingo cards and then a simulator to draw numbers and automatically play until one player wins.

    • FRC Scoring System: Students use maps and sets to create a scoring system for a FIRST Robotics Competition.

    • Sudoku Solve: Using a recursive backtracking algorithm, students will create a sudoku-solving application.

View the full course overview here and download a copy of the syllabus here for more information.

Visit the CodeHS Course Catalog to explore all the courses available. If you have any questions, please email us at

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