While creating assignment descriptions using CodeHS Create, sometimes you may want to insert an image from your Google Drive. Since 'Sharing' an image from Google Drive does not actually provide a direct link, there are a few more steps involved in finding a direct link that you can embed using Markdown.
Finding the Image ID
To find the ID of an image file:
Navigate to the file on your Google Drive
Click the three dots located in the top right corner of the file
Select Open With > Preview from the menu
Click the three dots located in the upper right corner of the page
Select Open in New Window
Note: Double-check your Share permissions. General Access should be set to Anyone with the link:
In this new window's URL, the string of text after drive.google.com/file/d/
and before /view
is the ID of the image file.
For example, in the following URL:
This is the image ID:
Insert into Embed Link
Once you have the image file ID, you can create a direct link to the image that can be used in Markdown or HTML.
To create a Direct Link, start with this URL:
Utilizing the aforementioned image ID example, the final URL would look like this:
⚡️ Using a Chromebook? You can save the image to your Chromebook and upload it directly into CodeHS.
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