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AP Computer Science A FRQ Center

Prepare for the AP CSA exam by practicing with Free Response Questions (FRQs)

Jeremy Keeshin avatar
Written by Jeremy Keeshin
Updated over 8 months ago

The AP Computer Science A Free Response Question (FRQ) Center is a centralized repository of past College Board FRQ questions. All questions are available in multiple formats to help both teachers and students prepare for the AP exam.

From the FRQ Center, students and teachers can choose whether to complete the FRQ questions one part at a time, or complete the entire class in one activity. Each question comes with two options:

  • Students can work through the task as a text-based problem where they will be able to type their responses, but not actually execute the code.

  • Students can type their responses as a runnable code.ย 

While the text based option may come closer to the actual testing experience, the runnable code will enable students to verify their solution against some basic autograders.

Assigning Problems from the FRQ Center

In addition to the options above, teachers have several options to assign the problems:

  • Teachers can assign only specific parts of a problem.ย 

  • Teachers can assign the entire playlist to their students.ย 

Each playlist incorporates all the different variations of the problem, allowing students to first work through the problem in a text-based environment and then copy their code to the runnable exercise to verify it against the autograders. Additionally, the playlist includes a copy of the College Board Scoring Guidelines and an activity where students can walk through and assess their solution against the rubric.

This resource can be used either logged in or logged out, however to assign to a class, a teacher needs to be logged in. Find the AP CSA FRQ center here.

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