Why Teach Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog
Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog is an introductory course that teaches students the basics of programming by giving commands to a computer just like you give commands to a dog.
Karel is a dog that lives in a grid world and can be instructed to move around and pick up and put down tennis balls.
What’s Covered in Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog
In this course, students will learn JavaScript commands, functions, and control structures by solving puzzles and writing creative programs for Karel to follow.
The Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog course is designed for complete beginners with no previous background in computer science. The course is highly visual, dynamic, and interactive making it engaging for new coders in middle or early high school.
Prerequisites and Curriculum Pathway
Intro to Programming with Karel is beginner friendly and requires no previous computer science experience.
Curriculum Pathways
Click here to check out our K-12 Curriculum pathways and learn how Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog can fit into your course sequence!
Visit codehs.com/info/curriculum/introkarel for additional information or email us at hello@codehs.com.