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AP CSP Resources

A listing of required and helpful links for AP CSP teachers

Evelyn Hunter avatar
Written by Evelyn Hunter
Updated over 6 months ago

Course and Syllabus

CodeHS Course Syllabi

Digital Portfolio

About the AP Digital Portfolio: This page has a good video to show students about the Digital Portfolio

Course Audit

Performance Task

Accessing Your Account

To access your CodeHS account, you can log in with your existing student account set up by your teacher or school at

If you do not have a CodeHS account, you can create one here.

Once you are logged in you can create a new program here.ย 

About the Performance Task

CodeHS Tutorials: AP CSP Sample Performance Tasks

Additional Resources

You can filter quiz questions in the bank on newest or # of votes, specific AP CSP standards, or difficulty. You can also search through quiz question titles and descriptions as well as show only AP CSP quiz questions. Teachers can also create their own quiz questions, edit the ones they've made, and view other people's quiz questions in the quiz question bank.ย 

Is CodeHS an Online Provider?

CodeHS is not an online provider. While we provide AP curriculum, we are not a virtual school, and students who are taking our course as individual learners are not enrolled in an AP class. You do not need to be enrolled in a class to take the AP exam, but you will need to sign up for the exam and find a testing site through College Board. CodeHS cannot sign students up for the AP exam, and we cannot give students access to the AP Digital Portfolio.

Find a one pager of these resources at Still have questions? Contact our team at to learn more!

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